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Meet Mei Liu, CEO for Hitachi Rail in Hong Kong, overseeing the success of our RCS projects in the Asia Pacific region. Positioned in a senior role, Mei exemplifies a female leader who uses her skillset to drive results.

In a recent interview on the subject of Women’s History Month, we talked to Mei about her career and leadership style. Mei discusses the power of open communication, Hitachi Rail’s prioritisation of diversity during the recruitment process, and mentoring schemes for current employees.

With a background as an engineer, her intrinsic passion for rail technology is a motivating force behind Mei’s career. Mei talks about her approach to inclusivity, which places appreciation at the heart of productivity. Find out why she considers it important to celebrate the range of different attributes shown by individuals in her team.

Mei, why do you celebrate Women’s History Month?

There are so many reasons to celebrate Women’s History Month! I believe that this global celebration helps to inspire and empower women by highlighting role models and demonstrating what is possible with the right support. By celebrating Women’s History Month, we can encourage more women to pursue their ambitions, dreams, and bravely break through societal barriers.

What is your biggest career achievement so far?

Joining from a different business unit, I won the first contract within six months of starting my current job. It was a great achievement gained through teamwork, and I am very happy and proud of it. However, if you ask me what my greatest personal achievement is, I have another experience to share. I have gradually adjusted myself from a working state where I get the power to move forward from being strong and persistent, to a working state where I get the power to move from being tolerant and understanding to make progress together.

What interests you most about the rail industry?

Firstly, I started my career as an engineer, so I am naturally interested in technological innovations. The rail industry itself is undergoing rapid technological advancements, transforming how railways operate. Most importantly, these technological changes are core to the rail industry, enabling it to provide the most convenient, efficient, and smart transportation solutions. We are reshaping how people move, which is exciting.

Secondly, rail infrastructure is a key driver of economic growth, enabling the efficient movement of goods and people for global supply chains and social exchange. Rail transport is one of the most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly modes of transportation, focusing on reducing carbon emissions, improving energy efficiency, and providing a clean and compact travel solution. I am proud of my work and that we can help make a sustainable today and a better tomorrow.

One example is the advanced ticketing system provided by us, integrating various digital payment methods, which greatly improves traffic efficiency, reduces travel time, and promotes economic development—all by embracing new technologies.

How do you encourage inclusivity in your teams?

Inclusivity is essential when fostering a positive and productive work environment. I always promote open communication, sharing our thoughts and ideas in a safe space where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgement or retaliation. With the HR team, we ensure our hiring practices are designed to attract a diverse pool of candidates. After recruitment, a mentorship programme is set up to support the development of under-represented individuals.

I believe one of the most critical actions a leader should take is to lead by example. I actively listen to all team members, valuing their contributions, and appreciating different opinions in our meetings. Considering the diversity and complexity we live with, encouraging inclusivity is not always a simple topic. I do believe that one simple and basic principle could help: appreciation. I often tell myself and the team that we should not only recognise the differences of each individual but also learn to appreciate these differences. I personally believe appreciation of the differences among all of us is a kind of ability, a recognition of both the inner selves and the external world. I am also learning and practicing this ability every day.

Can you describe the importance of male allies in the journey to gender equity?

Male allies play a crucial role in the journey to gender equity. Men often hold positions of power and influence in various sectors. By using their platforms to advocate for gender equity and influence policy decisions, they can help amplify the voice of women and marginalised genders. Their active support strongly influences other men.

In workplaces, male allies can provide motivation and sponsorship, helping to address the gender gap in leadership positions. They can help break down resistance and foster a more collaborative approach. A gender-equal and fair working environment is a kind of trust for both men and women; it is more efficient for all of us as it includes everyone’s strengths.

In summary, I fully trust our male allies can leverage their privilege and influence. They are essential in the journey to gender equity. Their active participation helps to create a more inclusive and equitable work environment for everyone.

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Mei Liu

CEO Hitachi Rail RCS Hong Kong