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For almost a decade, Emily has worked at the heart of Hitachi Rail, navigating the complexities of the rail industry with skill and expertise. As the Director of PMO UK & Ireland, she has played a valuable role in the company’s evolution and expansion, all while maintaining its core values and supportive culture.

She now shares her journey, discussing the challenges and triumphs she has experienced as a woman in the rail sector, her experience working at Hitachi, and sharing valuable advice for women aspiring to make their mark in the engineering and global mobility.

The Beginning

When I started my career at Hitachi Rail as IEP Change Manager, one of things that excited me most about the role was the chance to be part of a truly global business.

I was drawn to the focus the business had on embracing diverse cultures, and saw an opportunity to not only be part of an exciting sector but gain global-spanning experience.

I’ve now been at Hitachi for almost a decade and to this day it has retained its core values. It was a welcoming and supportive workplace the day that I joined and it still is every single day.

The blend of Hitachi’s global perspective, exciting projects and close-knit community has made it an exceptional place to build a career.

Forging Your Career Path at Hitachi Rail

The number of female engineers has increased significantly since I started my career which has been really positive to see. However it is clear there is still work to be done – I want the industry to get to a place where we are referring simply to 'engineers,' rather than having to refer specifically to 'female engineers.'

Hitachi has a strong framework that empowers women to explore various career paths. The company really supports female employees in trying new things and is always ready to provide tools, such as training or mentorship, to pursue new areas within the business.

The Women’s Network ERG (Employee Resource Group) has been particularly successful, allowing women from across Hitachi UK to engage with all colleagues and allies in the business. It is a great place to gather support and discuss some of the challenges women face and tactics on how to overcome them. These discussions are then fed back into the business.

Transferring my Engineering Skills and Experience

Throughout my career at Hitachi, I’ve found that I have always been able to bring a unique perspective and approach thanks to my engineering background.

Engineering skills such as advanced problem-solving and the ability to break down complex systems into bitesize tasks, have allowed me to approach a variety of challenges in a way I wouldn’t have done without my engineering background.

I also enjoy finding ways to summarise and communicate complex ideas succinctly, which has proved crucial in bridging the gap between technical and non-technical colleagues.

Hopefully these examples show how useful and adaptable engineering expertise can be in different business situations - I’m eternally grateful to have that skillset in my back pocket!

Don’t Wait for the Perfect Match!  

For young women starting their careers in engineering, my advice is to seek opportunities that foster growth and learning right across your whole range of skills and abilities, rather than waiting for a perfect match.

Engineers often possess very specific and highly specialised skill sets, but it is essential not to let a lack of generalist knowledge deter you from pursuing opportunities. Instead, focus on roles that complement and enhance your existing capabilities.

Hitachi Rail supports young women by creating greater exposure to the wide array of opportunities available and ensuring that these opportunities are accessible. By opening up pathways for the next generation, companies such as Hitachi Rail can help nurture a whole new wave of female engineers and leaders.

I hope my journey at Hitachi Rail can be an example to women and girls thinking about entering the industry, demonstrating the type of rewarding career paths available within the company and the broader rail industry.

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Careers at Hitachi Rail


Emily Musgrave

Director of PMO UK & Ireland Location: United Kingdom, London